During normal business hours: Monday through Friday, 9.00am-4:00pm, you may contact Father Titus by calling the parish office.
In the event of a pastoral emergency occurring when the parish office is closed, please call 615-361-4907.
If you are wanting to have your child baptized at St. Ignatius, please call our church office and schedule to join a baptismal preparation session. Visit our Sacrament of Baptism page for more information.
All of the various ministries and groups available to join are found on our website. You can email a group coordinator directly to join, or you may use one of our commitment forms online to participate in more than one. We invite you to get involved!
If you are interested in placing your child in our parish Mother's Day Out Program, visit our MDO page or call our Program Director, Sue Soda at 615-361-3998 for waitlist information and requirements to join.
If you would like to place an announcement in the church bulletin or website, please fill out the Request Form and return it to the parish office no later than Thursday at 12:00 NOON the week before the announcement should run. All announcements are subject to approval and space availability. Announcements may run for a maximum of three consecutive weeks.
Earlier deadlines are frequently set during the holiday season (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, and Easter).
If you are planning to be married soon and would like to begin marriage preparation, please call the parish office to set up an appointment with Father Titus or one of our Deacons. Weddings should be scheduled at a minimum of four (4) months in advance.
Please visit our Sacrament of Marriage page for more information.
Thank you for your interest in our parish. Whether you’re just visiting us for a brief time, looking for a new parish home, are returning to the practice of your Catholic faith, or are interested in finding out more about the Catholic Church, we’re happy to have you here.
Visit our Newcomers page for more information.
Registration for Children's Faith Formation classes has closed for the year. It will open up again in the late summer of the next calendar year.
Adult Faith Formation is ongoing. Please check our page for ongoing sessions to join.
Those wishing to honor a loved one during the celebration of Mass may pick up a mass card in the parish office. Mass cards are available for the living and deceased and provide opportunities for prayerful remembrance of anniversaries, birthdays, and other special intentions. Mass intentions are usually booked several months in advance, so if you have a particular date on which you want the Mass celebrated, it is very important that you call the parish office well ahead of time.
Email Maria Braswell for more information.