Faith Formation for Children

St. Ignatius offers Faith Formation for children of all ages. If you would like more information for your child's religious education, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Director of Religious Education. Classes are designed for children of registered parishioners and are limited in size. Classes meet on Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:15am.

To register for the 2024-2025 year, you can apply using the form to the right and email it to our Director of Religious Education.

Faith Formation for Grades PreK-7th grade

Religious formation for this age group focuses on living out Catholic values and engages children in the teachings of the Catholic faith. They will experience the gifts of our Church in reading, song, art and play all while celebrating the gift of God's love for us.

Sacrament Preparation for First Communion & First Penance

Typically for children entering the 2nd grade, these students embark on the process of learning about and experiencing the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist. This class is open only to people who are registered in the parish of St. Ignatius.

Those who are registered at Sacred Heart Parish and attend our 1:00pm mass must have a letter of recommendation from your pastor and will be considered for attendance if openings are available.

Confirmation Preparation

Designed for youth in the 8th grade, our program prepares students for the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Ignatius. This class is open only to people who are registered in the parish of St. Ignatius.

Those who are registered at Sacred Heart Parish and attend our 1:00pm mass must have a letter of recommendation from your pastor and will be considered for attendance if openings are available.

During their preparation, we introduce our youth to our Youth Ministry group to continue to grow in their faith.

Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC)

Designed for children 8 years of age and older who have not been baptized or have not received First Communion or Confirmation in the Catholic church, but wish to receive these Sacraments of Initiation. This class is open only to people who are registered in the parish of St. Ignatius.

Those who are registered at Sacred Heart Parish and attend our 1:00pm mass must have a letter of recommendation from your pastor and will be considered for attendance if openings are available.

Parent Information

Student Handbook

Important Information

  • January 26: Classes in Session


  • February 2: Classes in Session


  • February 9: Classes in Session


  • February 16: Classes in Session


  • February 23: Classes in Session


  • March 2: Classes in Session


  • March 9: NO CLASSES

    Spring Break!

Catechism Starts at Home

Pope Francis tells us that "The first and most important place for passing on the faith is the home, through the quiet daily example of parents who love our Lord and trust in his word."

Additionally, offering examples of what to do, he urges Catholics to "pray together as a family; speak of good and holy things; let our Mother Mary into your family life; celebrate the feasts of the Christian people and live in deep solidarity with those who suffer and are at the edges of society."

We are here to help you accomplish this great task in whatever way we can. Come to mass on the week-ends, review the Sunday lesson with your child, and spend meaningful time with your children each week talking to them about yours and God's love for them.

Let us know how we can help!

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